- 1 lb chicken livers (Bell & Evans is my choice)
- ½ cup chopped white onion or shallots
- 2 tbsp grass-fed butter
- 1 tsp allspice (or nutmeg)
- ¾ tsp salt
- ¼ tsp black pepper
- 1/3 cup bourbon (can substitute red wine, or other alcohol, or chicken broth)
- ¼ cup currants or raisins
- 1 tbsp powdered gelatin
- 2 egg yolks (optional)
- 2-4 tbsp grass-fed butter (for pureeing)
- Drain chicken livers.
- Sauté onion/shallots in 2 Tbsp butter for 5 minutes on medium heat.
- Add allspice, salt and pepper and cook 1 minute longer.
- Add in chicken livers and sauté 10 minutes on medium-low heat, or until firm and cooked inside.
- Add alcohol or broth and currants/raisins, cover, and simmer on low for 5 more minutes.
- Turn off heat. Sprinkle on gelatin, wait 1 minute then stir in.
- Allow mixture to cool 15 minutes.
- Puree in food processor with egg yolks and additional butter until smooth.
- Transfer to serving dish and chill 6 hours or more.
- Serve with sliced French bread or crackers and pickles.
This recipe was provided by Pam Schoenfeld. Pam is author of the book “The Collagen Diet”. She’s a licensed dietician and nutritionist with a practice in Raleigh, NC called Women and Family Nutrition, which is all about helping women and families meet their nutritional needs. Areas which her practice specializes in include nutrition for healthy body composition, reproduction, growth, and overall wellness. Pam has also written articles for the Weston A. Price Foundation‘s Wise Traditions journal, includes ones about the benefits of vitamin A.