Episode 083: National Sandwich Month & Einkorn Sourdough Bread Monica Ford of Real Food Devotee – August 29, 2019


August is known as National Sandwich Month. As today’s modern bread has so many problems, Aaron Zober interviews Monica Ford to talk about how einkorn sourdough bread offers both the traditional way of fermenting dough and uses the ancient grain einkorn which even some people with gluten sensitivity can handle. Einkorn sourdough bread is one of the many items on Monica’s extensive menu for her home delivery service Real Food Devotee. Monica talks about her health story success of eliminating her allergies plus coming from a family in the restaurant business and how she’s now paying it forward and offering everybody a chance to have real food delivered to their homes. Aaron gives Monica a chance to also bring up her other offerings which would go well with her einkorn bread to make the perfect sandwich. And if you’re paleo or can’t digest any wheat, she’s got a gluten free bread made of almond and coconut flour Monica then closes the show out talking about her bone broths and how you can buy them in stores and even in a cafe where you can order it just like coffee.

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