Episode 141: Kicking off National Pickle Month with Chris Glab of Bubbies & Fermented Food Holdings


July is National Pickle Month, so The Appropriate Omnivore podcast host Aaron Zober couldn’t be more excited to devote a show to a favorite food of his since childhood. To talk about everything pickles with Aaron is Chris Glab, chief innovation officer for Bubbies Fine Foods and Fermented Food Holdings. Like Aaron, ferments such as pickles were a staple of his growing up. Chris discusses how he got into CPG, founded Wildbrine, and then sold it to Fermented Food Holdings. Fermented Food Holdings also owns Bubbies. Chris tells the listeners all about Bubbies’ key to making real fermented pickles and where he sees the market headed. Chris talk about other Bubbies products and even asks Aaron what foods he’d like to see them offer. All of this plus information about the diverse fermented goods throughout the various Fermented Food Holdings labels.

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